Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hebrew 2014

Happy new year!  We have a lot of material to cover this winter and spring and I am confident that we will do so with vigor.  We will start our year off with another prayer that is chanted during the Torah service, Bei Ana Racheytz.  If you want to practice at home go to and scroll down to the link to Torah service prayers.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ki Mitzion

We are learning Ki Mitzion!  You can practice at home and even listen to the tune at Siddur Audio, scroll halfway down the page to the link that says 'Torah Service'.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Happy Hanukah!

We finished up our study of Ein Kamocha!  In December we will begin our study of Ki Mitzion but not before we play Chanukah Jewpardy next Wednesday December 4th in between eating latkes and other goodies.  After religious school on Sunday the 24th will be our synagogue wide Chanukah party where there will be good foods to nosh on as well as games and other assorted activities.  Hope to see you all there!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Working Hard!

Working hard on our study of the very first prayer of the torah service, Ein Kamocha.  And for fun we are going to play Ein Kamocha bingo this Sunday!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

We have had a great month studying the Amidah, fine tuning our Hebrew skills and having fun playing games!  

I am excited for us to begin our study of the Torah service.  We learn about the mechanics of the service itself and begin our study of the prayers beginning with Ein Kamocha which you can find an audio version of at Siddur Audio about halfway down the page under the title Torah Service.

Don't forget about the Online Resources tab here on this blog which has links to some great sites to practice Hebrew at home.

~ Morah Deb

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wednesday's Class

We dove head first into understanding the way Hebrew words are constructed by learning about the shoresh or root of a word.  Then we did a worksheet which started with a common shoresh and expanded on it to add prepositions, pronouns, and conjunctions.  This is only just the beginning of learning more about the words we chant in our prayers and ultimately how to get more meaning out of them through a better understanding of the language.

After all that hard work we played a game!!!

Great class all.

~ Morah Deb

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Welcome to my brand new blog dedicated to 5th grade Hebrew.  I will use this space to connect with both parents and students outside of class.  Please read the About page and don't miss the Online Resources page for a plethora of links to online resources for practice.

Thus far in 5th grade Hebrew we have hit the ground running by practicing some prayers from last year as well as completing some worksheets specifically dedicated to helping students out with some of the trickier parts of understand Hebrew.  Right now we are studying the Amidah, found on page 115b in our Siddur Sim Shalom, and will do so for the rest of the month.

~ Morah Deb